Parents: We strongly suggest that the scholars themselves complete this application. Some assistance is fine if needed, but it is important that we hear about the scholars' interests and experiences with language in their own words.
In order to participate in SLIYS activities, you will need to be able to verbally communicate with others using English. Students must have both speaking and listening skills in English to attend SLIYS.
Rate your proficiency in speaking English from 1 (low English skills) to 10 (very high/native-like English skills).
Rate your proficiency in listening to English from 1 (very low) to 10 (very high/native-like).
Please use your legal name.
(If different from legal name)
Please give us a valid email that is easiest to reach you with. There will be space provided for your parent's or guardian's email later in the application.
Please provide your GPA on a 4-point scale.