Minor in Linguistics

Minor Advisor

Dr. Liz McCullough
106 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Avenue

There are a number of different subfields of linguistics, with connections to other disciplines in such diverse areas as the study of various languages and cultures in the humanities; psychology, anthropology, and other social sciences; physics, biology, and other natural sciences; and computer science and engineering. The linguistics faculty offers courses in most of these subfields, making the curriculum particularly diverse. A number of special linguistics minors have been developed designed for students with a major in a related field. For majors not listed below, contact the linguistics undergraduate advisors noted above for recommended courses.

Each linguistics minor requires five linguistics courses (15 credit hours). However, if one of these five courses is considered to be part of the student's major, then only four additional linguistics courses are required. Required courses include an introductory linguistics course followed by a 4000-level core linguistics course. This leaves three additional courses to be chosen in consultation with the undergraduate linguistics advisor. Linguistics GE courses may overlap with GE requirements.


Minor Curriculum


1. One introductory course (3 credit hours)

LING 2000 or LING 2000H  Introduction to Linguistics


2. One core course (3 credit hours)

LING 4100 - Phonetics
LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 4300 - Phonology
LING 4350 - Morphology
LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning


3. Elective courses (9 credit hours)

Any other courses within Linguistics.  At least 3 credit hours of electives must be at or above the 3000-level.  Courses related to Linguistics from other departments may be counted with approval from the Linguistics advisor.


Suggested Courses for Specific Subfields


African-American and African Studies

Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 4601 - Language and the Black Experience
LING 5501 - An Introduction to African-American English
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3605 - Language and Social Justice
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 4550 - Introduction to Field Methods
LING 5601 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics
LING 5651 - Languages in Contact



Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3605 - Language and Social Justice
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 3902 - Language Endangerment and Language Death
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States
LING 4550 - Introduction to Field Methods
LING 5601 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics


CIS and Engineering

Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 3802 - Language and Computers (honors available)
LING 3801 - Code Making and Code Breaking
LING 3803 - Ethics of Language Technology

For those interested in syntactic processing:
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 5801 - Computational Linguistics I
LING 5802 - Computational Linguistics II

For those interested in voice recognition or speech production:
Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
LING 5101 - Introduction to Phonetic Theory
LING 5102 - Laboratory Phonology
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)


Education Teaching and Learning (TESOL & Second Language Acquisition)

Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 2501 - Linguistics for Language Learning
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3605 - Language and Social Justice
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States


Foreign Languages

Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
Core: LING 4300 - Phonology
LING 2501 - Linguistics for Language Learning
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States


Greek and Latin, Classics

Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
Core: LING 4350 - Morphology
LING 5350 - Morphological Theory
SANSKRIT 5902 - Elementary Sanskrit
SANSKRIT 5903 - Intermediate Sanskrit
LING 5904 - Vedic Sanskrit
LING 7903 - Topics in Indo-European


International Business

Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 2367.02 - Language and Advertising
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)


International Studies

Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3902 - Language Endangerment and Language Death
LING 4550 - Introduction to Field Methods
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States
LING 5651 - Languages in Contact
LING 5601 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics



Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 3802 - Language and Computers (honors available)
LING 5701 - Psycholinguistics I
LING 5702 - Cognitive Models of Language
LING 5612 - Introduction to Cognitive Science



Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 2001 - Language and Formal Reasoning
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 3803 - Ethics of Language Technology
LING 4052 - Linguistics and the Scientific Method
LING 5612 - Introduction to Cognitive Science
LING 5401 - Semantic Theory I
LING 5402 - Semantic Theory II
LING 5701 - Psycholinguistics I



Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 5701 - Psycholinguistics I
LING 5612 - Introduction to Cognitive Science


Speech and Hearing Science

Particular interest in sound:
Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
LING 2051 - Analyzing the Sounds of Language (honors available)
LING 5101 - Phonetic Theory

Particular interest in language and culture:
Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
LING 3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 4601 - Language and the Black Experience
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States

Particular interest in language disorders:
Core: LING 4200 - Syntax
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 5701 - Psycholinguistics I


Women's Studies

Core: LING 4100 - Phonetics
Core: LING 4400 - Linguistic Meaning
LING 2367.02 - Language and Advertising
LING 3606 - Language and Gender
LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures
LING 3605 - Language and Social Justice
LING 3701 - Language and the Mind (honors available)
LING 4602 - Language and Belonging in the United States