Working Papers in Linguistics is an occasional publication of the Department of Linguistics of Ohio State University and usually contains articles written by students and faculty in the department. Below is an indication of the contents of each volume.
Copyright Notice: The contents of OSU Working Papers in Linguistics are freely available for personal, academic, or educational use; however, all rights to the works published therein are held by the authors alone.
Note: Volumes 60 and 57 are available only in an online format [pdf].
How to contribute to the working papers in Linguistics
For past issues of Working Papers in Linguistics, please see our archives.
More permanent archiving: We are pleased to formally announce that The Ohio State University (OSU) has agreed to archive digital versions of the OSU Working Papers in Linguistics through the university's highly acclaimed Knowledge Bank. The Knowledge Bank ( is OSU's digital institutional repository. Inclusion in the Knowledge Bank means that past articles from the very first volume on will be searchable (e.g. by Google) and available via the Internet. Other benefits of this arrangement include long-term preservation in a cutting edge, professionally managed repository, a worldwide audience, immediate distribution of research, a long-term stable URL that can be used in citation, and an increased web presence.
We welcome feedback from any author (or rights holder) whose work appeared in the OSU WPL and who has any questions or concerns about the digitization process and/or inclusion in the Knowledge Bank. Please contact the OSU WPL committee ( by July 31, 2016.
OSU WPL at the Knowledge Bank
Most Recent Working Paper in Linguistics
Spring 2013, Vol. 60
Edited by Mary E. Beckman, Marivic Lesho, Judith Tonhauser, and Tsz-Him Tsui
Download Volume 60 [pdf].
See the front matter [pdf] -- title page, copyright, introduction, and table of contents.
Cynthia A. Johnson
Multiple antecedent agreement as semantic or syntactic agreement. [pdf]
Brian D. Joseph
On phonically based analogy [pdf]
Yusuke Kubota and Robert Levine
Coordination in hybrid type-logical categorial grammar. [pdf]
Elizabeth A. McCullough
Perceived foreign accent in three varieties of non-native English. [pdf]
Patrick F. Reidy
An introduction to random processes for the spectral analysis of speech data. [pdf]
Bridget Smith
An acoustic analysis of voicing in American English dental fricatives. [pdf]
Murat Yasuval
Prosody of focus and contrastive topic in K'iche'. [pdf]
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