

Greek Name: Βα^βυ^λώνιος

Latin Name: 


Cultural Notes


Geographical Notes

Assyria capital

Citations in Herodotos

1.77 the capital of Assyria, alliance with Croesus:  1.77
description of the city:  1.178-183
Nitocris and navigation of the Euphrates:  1.184-186
her tomb:  1.187
Cyrus' siege and capture of Babylon:  1.188-191
details of Babylonian life:  1.93,  1.192-200,  2.109,  3.89,  3.95,  4.198
tribute paid to Persia:  3.92
siege and capture by Darius:  3.150-160

Key Passages in English Translation


English translation by A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920. Retreived from <>

Key Passages in Greek


Other Testimonia

named after Belus: Paus. 4.23.10
 Seleucus and Antigonus at: Paus. 1.10.4, Paus. 1.16.1
walls of Babylon and sanctuary of Bel left standing: Paus. 1.16.3, Paus. 8.33.3
Pausanias has not seen walls of Babylon: Paus. 4.31.5
Babylonish raiment: Paus. 2.11.6

Other Commentary

Perseus Encyclopedia:

W. W. How, J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotos:

Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898):


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