
Don Winford becomes an LSA Fellow
Congratulations to Donald Winford, who has been selected to be in the 2014 class of new Linguistic Society of America Fellows, to be inducted at the Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. This honor is…

Abby Walker receives NSF dissertation award
Congratulations are due to Abby Walker, who has won $12,822 in federal support for her dissertation research, Exploring individual differences in prime-based intraspeaker variation and perceptual…

Marivic Lesho wins Ray Travel Award
Congratulations are due to Marivic Lesho, who has won a Ray Travel Award to present her paper with Eeva Sippola (Aarhus University), "Folk perception of variation among the Chabacano…

Brian Joseph and faculty group awarded a Mellon Foundation grant
Congratulations to Brian Joseph and his faculty group, with members from Slavic, History, and English, who have been awarded a $175,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to organize a…

Brice Russ in NY Times
Brice Russ's work on Twitter Dialectology has been featured in the NY Times.
Read the Arts and Sciences story about Brice here.
Read the New York Times story here.