Peter Culicover invited for an Erskine Visiting Fellowship
Congratulations to Peter Culicover, who has been invited for an Erskine Visiting Fellowship at the University of Canterbury, NZ (for the winter - April 24 through June 6). In addition to lecturing…
Micha Elsner awarded an NSF grant
Congratulations to Micha Elsner, who with Naomi Feldman (University of Maryland) has been awarded an NSF grant for the 3-year project, "Cognitive models of the acquisition of vowels in context."…
Jon Dehdari accepts a position at DFKI
Congratulations to Jon Dehdari (Ph.D. 2014), who has accepted a position as a researcher in machine translation at DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in…
Interview with Brian Joseph
Brian Joseph is having a high-profile summer. Read an interview with him here in this month's LSA Member Spotlight.
Cathy Callaghan in Documentary
Don't miss this video clip, including emeritus faculty member Cathy Callaghan (at 1:09 minutes), who'll appear in the documentary, "How Dead do I look?" by Rick Bacigalupi. The clip appears…
OSU faculty, students and alumni at LabPhon14
We're pleased to note the substantial number of our faculty, students and alumni at LabPhon14, in Tokyo, Japan. Mary Beckman notes that at the annual meeting of the Association for Laboratory…
Jon Dehdari and Deborah Morton: Summer 2014 Ph.D. Recipients
Congratulations to our summer 2014 Ph.D. recipients, Jon Dehdari and Deborah Morton! Jon's dissertation is titled: A Neurophysiologically-Inspired Statistical Language Model (advisor, William…
Professor Joseph in U.S. News Article on Language Change
Don't miss Professor Joseph in the U.S. News article "How Language Changes, Courtesty of Yelp and The Gray Lady," which comments on two web tools that can track popular language trends. …
Anouschka Foltz accepts position at Bangor University
Congratulations to Anouschka Foltz (PhD 2010), who has accepted a tenure-track position as a Lecturer in Psycholinguistics in the School of Linguistics & English Language at Bangor University…