Rex Wallace (PhD ’84) has been selected to participate in the 2017/2018 Lecture Program of the Archaeological Institute of America as the Cinelli Lecturer. The Ferdinando and Sarah Cinelli Lecture in Etruscan and Italic Archaeology was established by the Etruscan Foundation in honor of Count Ferdinando H. Cinelli and his wife Sarah. Cinelli Lecturers are chosen by the Etruscan Foundation and the AIA’s Lecture Program Committee. The title of his lecture is “The Inscribed Etruscan Stele from Vicchio.”
Mike Cahill (PhD ’99) spent 3 weeks in Nigeria helping six Nigerian languages develop a writing system for the first time.
Helen Riha (PhD ’08) was awarded Oakland University's Excellence in Teaching Award for 2016. Only two faculty members are granted this award each year. Helen lives in Rochester, Michigan with her husband, Stephen, and 5-year-old son, Nate. Nate's friends at kindergarten created a great example of folk etymology: Kraft Lunchables are called lunch bowls.
Amanda Miller (PhD ‘01) and Andy Plummer (PhD ‘14) have been awarded a Translational Data Analytics seed grant from the Provost’s Discovery Theme Initiative for the coming year entitled, “Building articulatory models for large child-caretaker vocal interaction corpora.” along with Eric Fosler-Lussier (CSE, courtesy faculty in Linguistics) and Derek Houston and Jongmin Jung (College of Medicine)
Andrea Sims (Ph.D. ’06) had a chance to visit the Laboratorija za Eksperimentalnu Psihologiju (Laboratory for Experimental Psychology) at the University of Belgrade (Serbia). As part of her work there, she collected data for an experiment that explores the role of syncretism (inflectional homonomy) in resolving morphosyntactic case conflicts in Serbian. This project is a collaboration with Matt Goldrick (Northwestern University). She also gave a research talk, met local psycholinguistics and learned about work happening in the lab. And worked on her spoken Serbian, of course. After that, she taught a one-week intensive Ph.D. course in Inflectional Morphology at Ghent University (Belgium). It was equivalent to about half of a semester-long Ph.D. seminar -- but in only one week! The course was arranged by alumna Cynthia Johnson (Ph.D. ‘14), who is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University.