In February, The Department of Linguistics held a two-day joint workshop with the Language and Communication Science Laboratory of the University of Tsukuba in Japan. We welcomed a large contingent of both faculty and graduate students for a series of talks and posters on a broad range of linguistic topics.
The workshop was organized on the Ohio State side by faculty member Bob Levine, who says, “This is a great chance to help establish an ongoing exchange relationship with a dynamic, expanding linguistics program in Japan. If all goes well, this workshop will be the first of a series of collaborative projects between our department and linguistics at Tsukuba, giving our faculty and students the chance to teach and study at one in one the few parts of the world where research support for linguistics at the national level is still very strong.”
The organizers at Tsukuba were Ohio State alum Yusuke Kubota (PhD ’10) and Masuhara Shimada.