Room 23, Oxley Hall
Dr. Clopper’s Speech Perception Lab includes five desktop personal computers running experimental presentation software, acoustic analysis software, and word processing and spreadsheet software in Windows. Each computer is equipped with high-quality circumaural headphones for stimulus presentation, and a keyboard, mouse, and seven-button button box for response input. This equipment setup allows for data to be collected from up to five participants at a time in experiments requiring written, typed, button-press, and/or mouse input from participants in response to visual and/or auditory stimulus materials. Highly accurate response times can be obtained from the button boxes controlled by the experimental presentation software. The Speech Perception Lab is also equipped with a portable recording setup, including a compact flash stereo digital audio recorder, high-quality head-mounted microphones for tasks involving two participants, high-quality boomsets for tasks involving both perception and production, and a laptop equipped with an external flat-screen monitor, keyboard, mouse, voice key, and seven-button button box. This setup allows for data to be collected from up to two participants at a time in experiments requiring written, typed, button-press, mouse, and/or voice input from participants in response to visual and/or auditory stimulus materials.