2025 SLIYS Teacher Recommendation Form

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Scholar Information

Please separate subject names with commas.

Recommender Information
Do you recommend this scholar for the SLIYS program?

If you would like more information about the SLIYS program, please visit http://go.osu.edu/SLIYS.

Please include information that will help us understand the applicant as an individual. Is there a particular trait or personal quality that makes this student stand out? Are there circumstances in this student's background that will provide the admissions committee with a better understanding of the applicant?

Please rate the applicant on each dimension below according to the following scale.

1 = Below average
2 = Average (in keeping with other students at the same grade level)
3 = Above average
4 = Excellent (among the top 10% of students)
5 = Outstanding (among the top few students I have worked with)

Academic ability
Emotional maturity
Intellectual curiosity
Aptitude in language study
Interest in language study
Problem solving skills
Work habits and discipline
Respect for school rules
Displays a positive attitude
Works well collaboratively

Terms of Use Statement

By checking the box below, I agree that I am the person whose name appears under "Recommender's Full Name" and I have completed this form as truthfully as possible and to the best of my ability.

Please check the box below before you submit: