March 27, 2017
Undergrads Research Papers Accepted at Professional Conferences
Congratulations are due to three more of our undergraduates who have had research papers accepted at professional conferences for presentation this summer.
Megan Dailey (with Cynthia Clopper) will present a poster entitled "Dialect classification reveals mismatch between speech processing and dialect perception" at Acoustics ’17 in Boston, June 25-29.
Erin Walpole (with Steven Alcorn, Kirsten Meemann, Cynthia Clopper, and Rajka Smiljanic) will present a poster entitled "Acoustic cues and linguistic experience as factors in regional dialect classification" at Acoustics ’17 in Boston, June 25-29.
Alyssa Nelson (with Cynthia Clopper) will present a poster entitled "Comparison of vowel acoustics in children from the Northern and Midland regions of the United States" at the International Congress for the Study of Child Language in Lyon, July 17-21.
Having a research paper accepted at a competitive professional venue as an undergraduate student is a mark of distinction unusual even for our talented OSU undergraduate majors in Linguistics. Thanks to Cynthia Clopper for calling these to my attention.