March 27, 2017
Congratulations Karl Velik Josh Wampler!!
Congratulations are due to two of our undergraduates who have had research papers accepted at professional conferences for presentation this spring and summer.
Karl Velik will present "Influence of a word-class specific morpheme structure constraint on the development of the {/-∅/, /-st/} English adverbial alternation” at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 23) July 31–Aug. 4 in San Antonio, TX. Josh Wampler will present “Albanian obliques as 'non-local' antecedents" at the Workshop in General Linguistics 14 (WIGL14) April 1–2, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Having a research paper accepted at a competitive professional venue as an undergraduate student is a mark of distinction unusual even for our talented OSU undergraduate majors in Linguistics. Thanks to Peter Culicover and Bob Levine for calling these to my attention.