

Marten van Schijndel

Marten van Schijndel accepts job at Cornell

Alumnus Marten van Schijndel has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position in Linguistics at Cornell University, beginning in July. Congratulations, Marty!

Cathy Callaghan

In Memoriam: Cathy Callaghan

We are saddened to share that Catherine A. Callaghan, a long-time faculty member in the Department of Linguistics, known to all as “Cathy”, passed away on March 16, 2019 at the age of 87, after…
Bjoern Koehnlein

Björn Köhnlein wins CAREER grant

Assistant Professor Björn Köhnlein has been awarded an NSF CAREER grant for his work on mechanisms of sound change in continental West Germanic. Congratulations, Björn!

Brian Joseph, taken by Marianna Katsoyannou

Brian Joseph elected to the American Philosophical Society

Professor Brian Joseph has been elected to the American Philosophical Society. The APS is the oldest learned society in the US, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1743. Brian will join a small number…

Nandi Sims

Nandi Sims Awarded Migration, Mobility, and Immobility Project Graduate Grant

Graduate student Nandi Sims has been awarded a Migration, Mobility, and Immobility Project Graduate Grant for her research on social group affiliation and language variation in a multi-ethnic…

Salena Anderson

Alumna Salena Anderson Receives Excellence in Teaching Award

Alumna Salena Anderson (Sampson) has received the 2019-2020 Valparaiso University Excellence in Teaching Award. Congratulations, Salena!

Stephanie Antetomaso

Stephanie Antetomaso Awarded FLAS Fellowship

Stephanie Antetomaso has been awarded an academic year 2019-2020 FLAS Fellowship to study Ecuadorian Kichwa at Ohio State. Congratulations, Stephanie!

Photo of Micha Elsner.

Micha Elsner Receives Google Research Award

Associate Professor Micha Elsner has been awarded a Google Research Award for his work on cognitively inspired deep Bayesian neural networks for unsupervised speech recognition. Congratulations,…


Noah Diewald Awarded FLAS Fellowships

Noah Diewald has been awarded a summer 2019 FLAS Fellowship to study Wao Tededo with the Andes & Amazon Field School in Ecuador and an academic year 2019-2020 FLAS Fellowship to study…