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Congratulations to Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, whose project, "Ohio Speaks: Integrating Research and Pedagogy" has won a $14,000 Grant for Research and Creative Activity in the Arts and Humanities…

Bob Levine has been elected to serve on the University Senate and the Faculty Council as an alternate representing the election district of the College of Arts and Sciences. He will serve a two-…

We regret to announce the death of Charles Fillmore, a founding member of the department. Excellent commentaries on his contributions to Linguistics can be found here:

Language Log

Congratulations are due to Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, whose proposal, 'Universal dependencies' has won $41,869 for a one-year project from the highly competitive Google Research Awards program.…

The Department of Linguistics is offering two sessions of the Summer Linguistics Institute for Youth Scholars, a week-long event designed for high school students interested in the study…

Congratulations to Linguistics major Adam Royer, who has been accepted into the graduate program in Linguistics at the University of California Los Angeles, his top choice. Terrific news, Adam!

Congratulations are due to Michael DeMatto (advisor Andrea Sims), who has been awarded an Undergraduate Research Small Grant and an award from the Aida Cannarsa Snow Endowment for…

Congratulations are due to undergraduate Emily Clem (advisor Becca Morley), who has been awarded an Undergraduate Research Small Grant in the amount of $500 for her research project, "Lexical and…

Congratulations are due to Professor Emeritus Cathy Callaghan, who has recently published her book, Proto Utian Grammar and Dictionary with Notes on Yokuts (http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/…