

National Science Foundation logo.

Graduate Research Fellowship Awarded by the National Science Foundation

Congratulations to Stephanie Antetomaso, who has been awarded a three-year Graduate Research Fellowship by the National Science Foundation, and to Evan Jaffe, Emily Clem, and Lara Downing, who…

Joseph Windsor

Peter Markley wins SoLV award

Congratulations to Peter Markley, who has been awarded a SoLV undergraduate research award from the Buckeye Language Network (BLN).  The award includes $1250 to conduct research with Kathryn…

Adam Royer at the Denman

Adam Royer wins 3rd place at Denman

Congratulations to Adam Royer, who has won 3rd place in his category at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum for his poster, "Effects of Regional Dialect on Word-Final Consonant Voicing." Adam'…

Evan Jaffe

Evan Jaffe wins Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences fellowship

Congratulations to Evan Jaffe, whose project, 'A Novel Word Space Model for Measuring Semantic Similarity' has been awarded a summer fellowship in the amount of $4,800 from OSU's Center for…

Photo of Rachel Burdin.

Rachel Burdin Wins a Melton Center Travel Grant

Congratulations to Rachel Burdin, who has won a Melton Center Travel Grant to help defray the costs of her trip to Paris for the 10th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS…

Historical books.

New Positions for Abby Walker and Katie Carmichael

We are delighted to announce that sociolinguists Abby Walker and Katie Carmichael have both taken positions as tenure-track Assistant Professors of English at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and…

Picture of Rory Turnbull.

Rory Turnbull Wins G. Micheal Riley International Travel Award

Congratulations are due to Rory Turnbull, who has been chosen as a winner of the 2014 G. Micheal Riley International Travel Award. This $1,000 award will defray costs associated with presenting…

Picture of Kathryn Cambell-Kibler

Kathryn Campbell-Kibler Wins Grant from Division of Arts and Humanities

Congratulations to Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, whose project, "Ohio Speaks: Integrating Research and Pedagogy" has won a $14,000 Grant for Research and Creative Activity in the Arts and Humanities…

Photo of Bob Levine.

Congratulations to Bob Levine

Bob Levine has been elected to serve on the University Senate and the Faculty Council as an alternate representing the election district of the College of Arts and Sciences. He will serve a two-…