Alyssa Allen
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Sara Court
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Phương Đặng
Đặng, P. & Sims, A.. 2024. "Abstract knowledge versus direct experience in processing of Vietnamese coordinative compounds". Talk presented at Nonuniformity in Morphophonology across Frameworks Workshop. 10 -11 October. University of Trier, Trier, Germany.
Đặng, P. 2024. "Rhythmic patterning of Vietnamese quadrisyllabic reduplicative words". Poster presented at The 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. 27-29 June, Hanyang University, Soeul, South Korea.
Tomiris Kaumenova
- Allen, A., Lewis, A., Lin, Y.-C., Kaumenova, T., and White, M. 2024. OSU CompLing at the GEM’24 Data-to-Text Task. In Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference: Generation Challenges: pp100–111. Tokyo, Japan. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Ash Lewis
- Lewis, A., Mo, L., de Marneffe M.-C., Sun, H., and White, M. 2024. Insights of a Usability Study for KBQA Interactive Semantic Parsing: Generation Yields Benefits over Templates but External Validity Remains Challenging. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems (HumEval) @ LREC-COLING 2024: pp47–62, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.
- Allen, A., Lewis, A., Lin, Y.-C., Kaumenova, T., and White, M. 2024. OSU CompLing at the GEM’24 Data-to-Text Task. In Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference: Generation Challenges: pp100–111. Tokyo, Japan. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Yi-Chien Lin
- Allen, A., Lewis, A., Lin, Y.-C., Kaumenova, T., and White, M. 2024. OSU CompLing at the GEM’24 Data-to-Text Task. In Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference: Generation Challenges: pp100–111. Tokyo, Japan. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Clayton Marr
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Connor Rouillier
- Rouillier, C. C. 2024. “A parallel corpus-based exploration of deflected agreement in Arabic varieties.” Proceedings of the Linguistics Society of America: 9(1). 5685. doi:
Yujin Song
- Hupp, J. M., Jungers, M. K., McDonald, S. A., & Song, Y. 2025. The effects of prosody and referent characteristics on novel noun learning in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 249, 106104.
- Song, Y., & Clopper, C. G. 2024. Effects of speaking style and semantic predictability on vowel production. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(5): 3621-3631.
- Jungers, M. K., Hupp, J. M., Rardon, J. A., McDonald, S. A., & Song, Y. 2024. The effect of emotional prosody and referent characteristics on novel noun learning. Language and Cognition, 1-18.
- Song, Y., Wagner, L., Holt, R. F., Stanhope, R., White, S., & Speer, S. 2024. The acquisition of prosodic prominence to disambiguate compounds and phrases. Poster presented at the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, June 27-29, Seoul, South Korea.