Angélica Avilés Bosques
- Avilés Bosques, Angélica; Mahler, T.; de Marneffe,Marie-Catherine; Wagner, Laura; Swamy, Sandesh. 2021. Can language science predict the future? A demo for COSI museum visitors about NLP research.
Marie Bissell
- Bissell, M., & Carmichael, K. (2022). “Dialect B” on the Mississippi: An acoustic study of /aw/ raising patterns in Greater New Orleans, Louisiana. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 13(1).
- Bissell, M., & Wolfram, W. (2022). Oppositional identity and back vowel fronting in a tri-ethnic context: The case of Lumbee English. American Speech, 97(1): 51-68.
- Cramer, J., & Bissell, M. (2022). ‘Appalachia is its own thing’—The role of Appalachianness in Kentucky’s regional linguistic identification. Paper presented at Appalachian Studies Association (ASA) Meeting. Morgantown, WV.
- Bissell, M. (2022). The effect of listener dialect experience on generalization in perceptual adaptation to a novel vowel shift. Buckeye Language Network Symposium 9. Remote.
Jingyi Chen
- Jingyi Chen. 2021. Tonal Alignment Contrast in Huiyang Hakka Falling Tones. Presented at The 25th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference.
- Jingyi Chen. 2022. Alignment Contrast in Huiyang Hakka Falling Tones. Presented at The 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC.
Christian Clark
- Clark, Christian and Schuler, William. 2022. Evidence for Composition Operations in Broad-Coverage Sentence Processing. The 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Santa Cruz,California (online).
- Oh, Byung-Doh, Clark, Christian, & Schuler, William. 2022. Comparison of Structural Parsers and Neural Language Models as Surprisal Estimators. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
Nanjiang Jiang
- Cole, Jeremy R.; Jiang, Nanjiang; Pasupat, Panupong; He, Luheng & Shaw, Peter. 2021. Graph-Based Decoding for Task Oriented Semantic Parsing. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021.
Martha Johnson
- Johnson, M.B., Sims, A.D., & Elsner, M. 2022. Do languages differ in semantic transparency of derived words? Using word vectors to explore English and Russian. Linguistic Society of America 2022 Annual Meeting.
- Johnson, M.B., & Sims, A.D. 2021. Using word vectors to investigate semantic transparency cross-linguistically. 5thAmerican International Morphology Meeting.
- Johnson, M.B. 2021. Double subject marking in Kihehe KE verb constructions: “Kihehe of really old people.” 8th International Conference on Bantu Languages (2020/2021). Postponed to 2021 due to Coronavirus.
- Johnson, M.B. 2021. Univerbation and typologically rare affix order in Kihehe. Linguistic Society of America 2021 Annual Meeting.
Kevin Lilley
- Lilley, K. D., Dossey, E., Clopper, C. G., Wagner, L., Cohn, M., Zellou G. 2022. Social evaluation of text-to-speech voices by adults and children. Poster presented at Buckeye Language Network Symposium, Columbus, OH. April 1, 2022.
- Lilley, K. D., Scarborough, R., & Zellou, G. 2021. Acoustic cues to non-native-directed speech. Poster presented at Acoustical Society of America 181, Seattle, WA. November 29 – December 3.
Taylor Mahler
- Avilés Bosques, Angélica; Mahler, T.; de Marneffe,Marie-Catherine; Wagner, Laura; Swamy, Sandesh. 2021. Can language science predict the future? A demo for COSI museum visitors about NLP research.
- Mahler. T.; Lai, Catherine; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. 2021. Factivity, prosody, and at-issueness: Investigating the projection behavior of (non-)factives. Poster presented at MK40 workshop on Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication.
Clayton Marr
- Marr, C. 2022. “Angevin Evaporation? Langue d’oil and Old Albanian”. Paper presented at 22nd Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. April 7-10, 2022. (Remote due to COVID-19)
- Marr, C. 2022. "Batir des châteaux en Albanie? A preliminary look at the linguistic legacy of medieval French–Albanian contact in the Angevin Regnum Albanian." Paper presented at 2022 Midwest Slavic Conference, Columbus, OH. April 1-3, 2022.
- Marr, C. 2022. "Preliminary investigations into contact between Old Albanian and Old French under the aegis of the Angevin Regnum Albaniae”. Paper presented at Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan languages. March 2, 2022. (Remote due to COVID-19)
Emily Napoli
- Napoli, E. R. 2022. The Targetedness of the English Schwa: Evidence from Schwa-initial Minimal pairs. Poster presented at Buckeye Language Network Symposium 9, Virtual. April 1, 2022.
Rexhina Ndoci
- Ndoci, R. Albanians and the features of their L2 Greek in internet memes. Paper presented at 22nd Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. April 7-10, 2022. (Remote due to COVID-19)
- Ndoci, R. Constructing and evaluating migrant speech. Albanian L2 Greek in internet memes and listeners’ perceptions. Invited talk at the English Language and Linguistics Research Seminar of the University of Westminster, UK. March 16, 2022. (Remote due to COVID-19)
- Ndoci, R. Linguistic difference as proxy for ethnic difference: The case of Albanian migrant memes. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Graduate Organization for the Study of Europe and Central Asia. University of Pittsburgh. February 25th-26th (Remote due to COVID-19)
- Ndoci, R. Investigating mock ethnic speech in internet memes. Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Washington D.C.
Byung-Doh Oh
- Oh, B.-D., Clark, C., & Schuler, W. 2022. Comparison of structural parsers and neural language models as surprisal estimators. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5 (777963), pp. 1–18.
Connor Rouillier
- Rouillier, C. 2021. The Effect of Event Structure on Subject-Verb Agreement in Najdi Arabic. Presentation at the 5th American International Morphology Meeting. Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio.
- Rouillier, C. 2021. A Psycholinguistic Exploration into Arabic’s Nominal Number Morphology. Presentation at the 9th Annual Central Kentucky Linguistics Conference. University of Kentucky: Lexington, Kentucky.
John Ross
- Ross, J.P., Bowdrie, K., Jamsek, I., & Wagner, L. 2022. Phonological productivity and voicing assimilation in children’s productions of novel words. [Poster] Cognitive Development Society 12, Madison, WI.
- Ross, J.P. 2022. Attentional constraints on socioindexical perception. [Poster] Buckeye Language Network Symposium 9, Columbus, OH.
Junyu Ruan
- Ruan, J. 2022. Umlaut and Ablaut: two stages of similar destinies of sound alternation patterns. Talk presented at Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 28, Athens, Georgia. April 1st.
- Ruan, J. 2022. Accentuation in Ancient Greek -es and -to derivatives: a cophonology model vs. a construction model. Poster presented at LSA 2022 Annual Meeting (virtual poster session). January 6th.
- Ruan, J. 2021. Leveling or reanalysis? An explanation of Middle High German paradigm merger. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 6 (1). pp. 173-187.
Yu Jin Song
- Song, Y. J., Clopper, C. G., & Wagner, L. 2022. “Children’s use of uptalk in narratives,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Lisbon, Portugal.
Symon Jory Stevens-Guille
- Catta, D. and Stevens-Guille, S. J. 2021. Lorenzen won the game, lorenz did too: Dialogical logic for ellipsis and anaphora resolution. In International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, pp. 269–286. Springer, Cham.
- Stevens-Guille, S & Vaikšnoraitė, E. Case alternation in lexicalized grammar. 2021. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Grammar.
William Thomas
- Thomas, W. 2021. Toward a unified semantics for English either. Proceedings of SALT 31, 446–465.
- Thomas, W. 2021. Taking stock of theories of the imperative: Evidence from just. (2021). Talk delivered at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, hosted virtually by the University of Chicago, May 6–8.
Damayanti Tiwari
- Tiwari, Damayanti. November 2021. Gujarati Demonstratives: change in semantic content and the role of exophoricity. Invited talk at the University of Konstanz, Germany.
Elena Vaikšnoraitė
- Vaikšnoraitė, E. 2022. Genitive of Negation. Journal of Slavic Linguistics.
- Vaikšnoraitė, E. 2021. A direct analysis of Lithuanian phrasal comparatives. Glossa 6(1).
- Stevens-Guille, S & Vaikšnoraitė, E. 2021. Case alternation in lexicalized grammar. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Grammar.