Graduate students Stephanie Antetomaso (not pictured) and Katie Conner won this year's Linguistics Undergraduate Teaching Award.
Graduate student Clint Awai-Jennings was awarded a Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA) from the Graduate School. The GATA is the highest recognition awarded to graduate teaching associates at Ohio State. Clint is one of 23 recipients out of approximately 3000 GTAs at Ohio State this year.
Professors Michael White and William Schuler were awarded a President's Research Excellence (PRE) Accelerator award for their work with Doug Danforth, Eric Fosler-Lussier, and Subhankar Chakraborty on Towards a Conversational Assistant for Patient Prep.
Graduate student John Ross was awarded a Summer Graduate Research Award from the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. They also won the graduate poster competition at the Buckeye Language Network Symposium.
Graduate student Connor Rouillier was awarded a scholarship for the Summer Arabic Language and Media study abroad program in Summer 2022 in Oman.
Graduate students Sara Court and Ariana Steele received the 2022 Ilse Lehiste Memorial Fund Graduate Research Awards. Sara will use the award to attend CoLang 2022 and Ariana will use the award for their research on the social perception of Black nonbinary speakers.
Graduate student Sara Court received several additional awards: a scholarship to attend CoLang 2022, an Honorable Mention in the 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program competition, and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship study Quechua.
Professor Andrea Sims received the 2022 Linguistics Faculty Recognition Award in recognition of her contributions to curriculum development, including creating two new certificate programs and spearheading the conversion of courses to the new GE. Honorable mentions were awarded to Professor Kathryn Campbell-Kibler for her work on curriculum development for the new GE, and Professor Micha Elsner for the development and implementation of the new Ethics of Language Technology course.
Professor Cynthia Clopper was named an Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor.
Professors Michael White and William Schuler, together with their colleagues Eric Fosler-Lussier, Doug Danforth, Kellen Maicher, Alan Price, Laura Zimmerman, and Laura Wagner, received the 2022 Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award from the College of Engineering for their work on the virtual patient project.
Alum Keith Johnson (PhD '88; faculty '93-'05) will retire from his position as Professor and Chair of Linguistics at University of California at the end of June this year.
Alum Mike Cahill (PhD '99) organized an orthography training event in Kenya with SIL and partner organizations in March that attracted 80 participants, 21 nationalities (Africans and non-Africans), working in 18 countries in Africa. Its purpose was to orient both linguists and literacy workers together to the complexities of developing orthographies for unwritten languages (both linguistic and non-linguistic). Crucially, it also provided a rare in-person opportunity for interaction and consultation with experienced consultants. These 5 days have the potential to affect the readability of literature in hundreds of languages in Africa in the next years.