
Linguistics Outside the Classroom

LOC Course Information

General Education Curriculum

GE Requirements for Students in the Arts and Sciences (both Legacy and New GE information)

Are you looking for a course that fulfills a specific GE requirement? Check out the list of linguistics courses organized by GE category:

Departmental Course Descriptions

Courses at the 1000- through 4000-level are undergraduate courses. Courses at the 5000-level are joint undergraduate and graduate courses. Undergraduates who have taken at least one 4000-level course and are interested in pursuing more advanced study are encouraged to enroll for 5000-level courses. Students can contact the course instructor or Linguistics advisors with any questions about these courses.

In addition to the courses listed below, students can earn course credit for conducting independent research or for serving as a research assistant. Students serving as a research assistant for a linguistics project can earn credit for LING 3191 (Internship in Linguistics). LING 4998/4998H is designated for independent research not leading to a B.A. thesis and LING 4999/4999H for independent research leading to a B.A. thesis. Instructor permission is required for these course numbers.

2000/2000H - Introduction to Linguistics 

GEL Cultures and Ideas
GEN Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences

This course examines language as a system of human communication. It also provides students with the tools needed for the recording, investigation, and close analysis of language. The course consists of a general survey of language and linguistics. A number of topics relating to man's knowledge and use of language are systematically investigated. Examples are drawn primarily from the English language, although other languages are used to illustrate certain concepts. Nevertheless, the focus of the course is not on any specific language or languages; rather, it is on properties common to all languages and on ways in which languages may differ.

LING2000_syllabus.pdf / LING2000H_syllabus.pdf


2001 - Language and Formal Reasoning 

GEL Quantitative Reasoning: Math and Logical Analysis
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

The goal of this course is to lead students to think analytically about syntax, meaning, and reasoning in terms abstract enough to encompass both natural languages (like English) and artificial formal languages (in this case, first-order logic) to see underlying structural similarities and to understand some fundamental differences as well. This goal is accomplished by (1) introducing students to two kinds of formal systems, first-order logic and formal phrase-structure grammars, (2) using these systems to analyze syntax and reasoning, in symbolic form and in English, and (3) examining differences between artificial and natural language in principles of cooperative communication. Prerequisites: Math 1075 or equivalent, or Math placement level R



2051/2051H - Analyzing the Sounds of Language

GEL Data Analysis
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

In this course, we will introduce pertinent ideas and results from research in the various disciplines that have contributed to our understanding of the sounds of language. We will introduce some of the quantitative analytical tools that are used in the phonetic sciences, and do several experiments in class, to give a flavor of the diverse research methods that speech scientists have developed to try to determine how speech is produced and perceived by humans. Prerequisites: Math 1075 or 1148, or Math placement level R



2367.02 - Language and Advertising 

GEL Writing and Communication: Level 2

The goals of this course are three-fold: first, to examine the ways in which language and linguistic knowledge are used by advertisers in the United States; second, to help the student develop effective presentation skills, both written and oral; and third, to develop the student's ability to critically evaluate and effectively use information. The entire course will revolve around American advertising and related topics, such as political campaign materials. The impact of advertising on American culture, the influence of the U.S. (and, in particular, English) on international advertising, and how various populations are represented in ads will also be addressed. Prerequisites: English 1110.01, 1110.02, 1110.03, or equivalent; and Sophomore standing



2501 - Linguistics for Language Learning

GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEL Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences

Note: Not open to students with credit for this course under previous course number 1100. The previous course number fulfills the same GEL/GEN requirements.

The goal of the course is to provide students with important tools to help them become successful language learners. Students will become familiar with basic elements of language such as parts of speech and the pronunciation of new sounds as a means of enabling them to anticipate and effectively deal with problems in pronunciation, vocabulary building and sentence formation that often come up in foreign language study. Students will also learn how languages differ in terms of, for example, swearing, politeness and body language. They will also learn about different language teaching and learning styles, typical mistakes language learners make, and strategies for making language learning more effective. This information will be presented in the context of the wide variety of languages taught at OSU, thus allowing students to become familiar with some of the more than 30 languages taught on campus.


3000 - Writing for Linguistics

This course focuses on how to make good arguments. It is designed to help students develop writing and communication skills that can be applied to any future endeavor – academic or otherwise – while also learning about argumentation and disciplinary norms in linguistics. Linguists write in a variety of styles, for different purposes, and subfields differ in how they construct arguments. Students will analyze a range of ways in which arguments are constructed and will make linguistic arguments themselves, in both writing and oral communication. In doing so, they will learn to communicate technical (linguistic) arguments to different audiences, ranging from linguists and broader academic audiences to the general public. Students will also acquire the skills to adopt and reflect on social and ethical standards in the field. Prerequisites: English 1100 or other credit for Foundations: Writing and Information Literacy GE; and Ling 2000 or 2000H or English 3271



3102 - Lost Languages, Lost Cultures 

GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations

This class will examine numerous great decipherments and the languages, cultures, and histories each of them unlocked. Students will look in detail at methods that epigraphists and linguists have used to decipher texts and what gaps remain in our modern understanding.  Another focus will be still-undeciphered scripts, including various attempts by scholars to decode them and why they continue to resist decipherment, with due attention to how, in some cases, colonialism led to the loss of cultural and historical knowledge.


3191 - Internship in Linguistics

Students earn course credit by working on a project related to the field of linguistics. The course is an intensive learning experience that expands students’ knowledge of some aspect of the field of linguistics through hands-on, focused work. The internship may include serving as a research assistant on a faculty research project or contributing to a linguistics-related project as an intern at a business, organization, or in government. Students are responsible for arranging their own research assistant/internship position but are encouraged to contact their linguistics advisor to discuss possible opportunities. Off-campus internships should be approved in advance by the student’s linguistics advisor. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H, and at least 3 additional courses in Linguistics, and instructor permission

This course number is not intended for independent research. Students conducting independent research should enroll for Ling 4998/4998H (non-thesis research) or Ling 4999/4999H (thesis research) instead.


3501 - Introduction to American Indigenous Languages

GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEL Diversity: Global Studies

This course is an introduction to the linguistic study of American Indigenous Languages that focuses on (1) social and historical factors that have affected some of these languages, particularly with regard to assimilation and language endangerment (e.g., history of settlement, bilingual education, language policies, language attitudes), (2) aspects of the grammatical structure of languages of the Americas, and (3) ethical issues raised by performing research in Native American communities. The specific indigenous tribes, languages and language families examined in the course may vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: English 1110.01, 1110.02, or 1110.03 or equivalent


3502 - Klingon, Elvish, Dothraki: The Linguistics of Constructed Languages

GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

Constructed languages like Klingon, Elvish, and Dothraki may seem like the province of ComiCon goers, but they have a long and varied intellectual history. Constructed languages required a deep understanding of both the mechanics of language and how languages relate to the cultures that they come from. This course examines the linguistic complexity of constructed languages.



3601 - Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S.

GEL Cultures and Ideas; GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the U.S.
GEN Foundation: Historical & Cultural Studies; GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

This course examines the relationship between language and social constructs such as race and ethnicity, with particular emphasis on race relations in the United States. It is concerned with the ways in which language serves as a basis for inter-ethnic conflict, discrimination and lack of social opportunity. The main focus of the course will be the varieties of English used by members of minority ethnic and racial groups in the United States, and the general relationship between their languages and their place in American society.



3603 - Language across Cultures

GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEL Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Theme: Lived Environments

This course examines the relationships between language and culture in different societies with a view to shedding light on cross-cultural similarities and differences. Topics include: (1) how language differences among members of a society reflect social differences among them, (2) the role language plays in social behavior, (3) the ways in which language reflects social organization and individual social relationships, (4) the relationship between language and such aspects of culture as kinship relations, folk classifications of nature, and interpretation of the world, and (5) the relationship between language structure and perceptual and cognitive categories. Prerequisites: English 1110.01, 1110.02, or 1110.03, or equivalent



3605 - Language and Social Justice

GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World

This course focuses on the role that language plays in both promoting and hindering social justice and citizens’ rights. Students will gain understanding of how national and local language policies in areas such as the educational system, the law, and other key areas of social life impact opportunities for social advancement among underprivileged groups. The course draws on a variety of disciplines, including sociolinguistics, education, the sociology of language, anthropological linguistics and social psychology. Students will explore these disciplinary approaches to how language may either contribute toward or impede social justice in a diverse world.



3606 - Language and Gender

GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the U.S.
GEN Foundation: Historical & Cultural Studies; GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity

This course focuses on the relationship between language and the social construct of gender, with particular emphasis on linguistic diversity in the United States. Students will explore how gender is expressed through the use of particular dialects, accents, discourse styles, and word choices, and how language is related to ethical issues of equality, social opportunity, and discrimination in the U.S.



3701/3701H - Language and the Mind
Cross-listed as PSYCH 3371

GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups
GEN Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences

The course is an introduction to the psychological processes by which humans produce and understand sentences in conversation, the means by which these processes arise in the child, and their bases in the brain. It deals with the following topics (among others): (1) Speech Perception, the process of detecting distinct 'sounds' in speech signals; (2) Lexical Access, the process of 'looking up' words in a mental dictionary; (3) Syntactic Parsing, the process of discovering the structure of sentences; (4) Semantic Interpretation, the process of using syntactic structures, word meaning and general world knowledge to interpret what we hear; (5) Language Acquisition, the process by which a child becomes able to produce and understand sentences of his or her native language(s), (f) Neurolinguistics, the study of the way language functions are implemented in the brain. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H or Psych 1100 or 1100H

3701_syllabus_sp16.pdf / 3701H_syllabus_au15.pdf


3801 - Code Making and Code Breaking

This course has two main aims. It introduces old and new technologies for code making and code breaking, and it shows how good and bad choices in how codes are used can affect whether they succeed or fail. Students will learn what codes are, how they work and how they are used. The topics discussed will include code breaking, digital signatures, quantum cryptography and the decipherment of ancient languages.



3802 - Language and Computers

GEL Quantitative Reasoning: Math and Logical Analysis
GEN Theme: Number, Nature, Mind

What makes Siri tick? How does Google Translate make sense of 100+ languages? In this course, you will be given insight into the fundamentals of how computers are used to represent, process and organize textual and spoken information, discussing both how language technology works and why it often doesn’t. We will also consider social and ethical considerations such as privacy, job creation and loss due to language technologies, and the nature of consciousness and machine intelligence. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or above



3803 - Ethics of Language Technology

GEN Theme: Lived Environments

Rapid increases in the capabilities of language technologies are leading us toward a world in which computers make many of the decisions which affect our everyday lives. Natural language processing (NLP) systems are already involved in hiring workers, filtering our words online and deciding how political campaigns choose to approach us. These systems have immense power – but all too often, they make unfair decisions that reflect or even amplify the biases of the society that created them. In this course, students learn about how language processing systems are created, and at what steps in the process bias and unfairness might creep in. The course examines efforts to define, detect and quantify bias, and how different ethical principles can lead to different results. Finally, students explore different ways to remedy the ethical problems of language technology, to what extent they can be 'fixed', and whether there are problems for which it is too dangerous to use NLP at all. This course is intended for upper-level students from multiple disciplines, and does not require any specific background in linguistics, mathematics, programming or philosophy.



3901 - Language Evolution and Language Change

GEL Cultures and Ideas
GEN Foundation: Historical & Cultural Studies

In this course we survey different kinds of language evolution and change, their causes and the methods linguists use to analyze language change and to model the relationships between and among dialects and languages. Special emphasis is put on the role of linguistic variation and of external influences (e.g. social context, writing systems, contact with other speakers, contact with other cultures, self- and group-imposed ideologies and attitudes, etc.) in the historical development of languages and in bringing about linguistic differentiation and diversity. Counteracting forces of convergence through contact and of standardization are examined as well.



3902 - Language Endangerment and Language Death

GEL Cross-disciplinary Seminar
GEN Theme: Migration, Mobility, and Immobility

Of the approximately 7,000 languages in the world today, more than half are seriously in danger of losing all their speakers and thus dying out altogether as living languages.  This course examines this phenomenon of language endangerment (and language death) from a number of perspectives: What are the social, economic, and political factors causing language/dialect endangerment? How does minority status for a language/dialect affect its speakers? What is the relationship between immigration, colonization, and forced migration on the one hand and the emergence of potentially fragile linguistic minorities on the other? What effects can endangerment have on the structure of a language/dialect? Are there meaningful parallels between language/dialect endangerment and the endangerment of biological species?  Between linguistic diversity and bio-diversity? Is language/dialect endangerment a new phenomenon or a millennia-old one? Can language/dialect endangerment and death be reversed? Are revitalization efforts possible?  Are they successful? Do new language forms that arise as immigrant varieties of the dominant majority language or as a result of colonization (i.e., “creoles”) serve to stem the tide of language endangerment? What can be done to document languages/dialects that are threatened with extinction? The course does not presuppose any knowledge of linguistics.  Throughout the semester, critical principles and methods of linguistics are introduced as needed that are relevant to the study of language endangerment.



4052 - Linguistics and the Scientific Method

GEN Theme: Number, Nature, Mind

Note: Previously offered as Ling 2052H (Theories of Linguistics)

This course provides a strong grounding in fundamental principles of scientific reasoning illustrated through concrete examples across the Natural and Social sciences with emphasis on Psychology and Linguistics. This course is suitable for students from all backgrounds including non-science majors. Students will gain understanding of what it means to "do science."



4100 - Phonetics

This course is an introduction to phonetics, the scientific study of the speech sounds of the languages of the world. In this course, we will explore how human speech sounds are produced, how to describe speech sounds, how speech sounds relate to other fields of linguistics, and how to investigate all of these topics experimentally. Lab assignments will provide opportunities for hands-on application of the topics discussed in class and practice in scientific writing. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H



4200 - Syntax

In this course students become familiar with the major concepts and types of facts associated with the branch of linguistics known as syntax. Syntax concerns the knowledge that a speaker of a language has about how to construct a proper sentence that conveys a particular meaning. The course surveys a range of phenomena that illustrate how this aspect of grammar works, particularly with regards to the relationship between the structure of sentences and their meanings. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H



4300 - Phonology

This course is an introduction to phonology: the study of the sound systems of language. There are two main goals in this course: 1) to learn how to do conduct phonological analysis, 2) to develop a familiarity with the types of phonological patterns that occur commonly in languages of the world. In the course of pursuing those two goals the course will address issues relating to language description, data analysis, theory building, and evaluation. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H



4350 - Morphology

This course is an introduction to morphology, the study of the grammatical structure of words. It covers foundational principles of morphological analysis and introduces students to major debates in the field about how to analyze morphological data. Languages differ greatly in how, and how much, they use word structure to convey meaning. Through hands-on exploration of data, students will learn about the rich diversity of morphological patterns found in the world's languages and what is at stake in terms of a theory of word structure. Topics covered include inflection, derivation, allomorphy, non-concatenative morphology, and morphological productivity. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H



4400 - Linguistic Meaning

The meanings conveyed by natural language utterances are subtle and complex, arising as a function of the conventional content of the expressions uttered and of various contextual factors. Semantics is the study of the conventional system itself, while pragmatics studies how context plays a role in conveying meaning. The course is an introduction to the study of meaning (semantics and pragmatics) across languages, including word meaning, the contribution of syntactic structure, and the role of context in interpretation. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H



4550 - Introduction to Linguistics Field Methods

This course is a hands-on experience in the task of investigating and describing a language from the ground up. The class will collaborate with a native speaker consultant in order to find out about a language that they have never studied before, and in many instances, that they may not have even heard of before. The language of investigation changes from semester to semester. Students will learn how to structure interviews with the consultant in order to systematically explore the language. They will also learn to organize and analyze the resulting data, and to come up with linguistic generalizations based on it. This course serves as a transition from the problem set world of introductory linguistics courses to the (sometimes messy, always unstructured) real world of linguistics research. The course will also introduce students to ethical issues involved in linguistic fieldwork and the communication of fieldwork results. Prerequisites: Ling 4100 or 4200 or 4300 or 4350 or 4400. May be repeated with instructor permission and change of topic


4602 - Language and Belonging in the U.S.

GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the U.S.
GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World [4 credit hours]

Categories of people are one of the crucial tools people use to make sense of their social world and place themselves within it. This course explores the role that language plays in citizenship, membership, and belonging--to formal entities like countries, more variably defined groups like gender or racial categories, or small communities like families or friendship groups. Students will explore how people use language to communicate about belonging, through both direct verbal commentary (e.g., “I’m an American”, “women are friendlier than men”) and the use of indexical meanings (e.g., regional accents). This course also provides training in the research practices of sociolinguistics, specifically the collection and analysis of socially structured language variation and of beliefs and attitudes about language. Prerequisites: Ling 2000, 2000H, 2367.01, 2367.01H, 3601, 3606, or English 3271.


4780 - Undergraduate Research Seminar

This course introduces students to the conduct and professional presentation of original linguistics research. Effective presentation of results is no less important than results themselves, since the knowledge gained in the investigation will be lost if it can’t be disseminated convincingly at a suitable venue. The seminar centers on the gradual polishing of initial hunches about some research problem chosen by each student in collaboration with a faculty mentor, stressing the formulation of well-developed research hypotheses, with explicit statements of relevant data, the anomalies that must be accounted for, the key proposals for solutions to those anomalies, and the use of a range of narrative strategies and graphic tools leading to a persuasive presentation of the analysis defended. Each week, students give short presentations on the stage of the project that they have been working on during the previous week. The course culminates in a virtual miniconference at the end of the semester, during which each student gives a research presentation about their project (15-20 minutes) in the style of a professional linguistics talk. Prerequisites: Ling 4100 or 4200 or 4300 or 4350 or 4400, and enrollment in Linguistics major; or instructor permission


5050 - Technical Tools for Linguists

Practical training in standard computational tools for tackling different kinds of linguistic research. Students will learn computational techniques to access, search and format linguistic datasets, including text corpora, speech and audio, structured representations such as parse trees, and experimental measurements. The course will also cover data exploration and basic modeling.


5051 - Quantitative Methods

Quantitative methods in the sub-disciplines of Linguistics, including data analysis, interpretation and display of data, inferential statistics, and statistical modeling. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H or equivalent; or instructor permission


5101 - Phonetics: Phonetic Theory

Principles of articulatory phonetics, with some discussion of acoustic phonetics; practice in the production, recognition, and transcription of sounds in various languages of the world. Prerequisites: Ling 4100 or 4300 or instructor permission


5102 - Laboratory Phonology

Introduction to laboratory methods and quantitative models of speech for linguistics. Prerequisites: Ling 5101


5201 - Syntactic Theory 

Theories of syntax; principles of syntactic description. Prerequisites: Ling 5401 or instructor permission


5202 - Syntactic Theory II

Theories of syntax; principles of syntactic description. Prerequisites: Ling 5201


5301 - Phonological Theory I

Introduction to phonological analysis and the principles governing the structure, acquisition, and change of phonological systems; survey of major phonological theories. Prerequisites: Ling 4100 or 4300 or instructor permission


5302 - Topics in Advanced Phonology

Introduction to phonological analysis and the principles governing the structure, acquisition, and change of phonological systems; survey of major phonological theories. Prerequisites: Ling 5301


5351 - Morphological Theory

Introduction to and comparison of current theories of morphology with application to linguistic data and problems. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H or instructor permission


5401 - Semantic Theory I

Problems and methods in linguistic semantics, using logic and semantic model theory as analytic tools; reference, compositionality, presupposition, conversational implicature, speech acts, deixis. Prerequisites: Ling 4400 or instructor permission


5402 - Semantic Theory II

Montague semantics and more recent semantic theories; analysis of important problems, such as generalized quantifiers, lattice-based accounts of plurals and events, discourse representation theory. Prerequisites: Ling 5401


5451 - Formal Pragmatics

Introduction to contemporary theories of pragmatic phenomena which build on theories of dynamic interpretation in formal semantics. Prerequisites: Ling 5402 or instructor permission.


5500 - Language Description

Informant techniques and (if available) textbooks and published linguistic analyses are employed in analyzing and describing a language. Prerequisites: Ling 2000 or 2000H or instructor permission


5501 - An Introduction to African-American English
Cross-listed as AFAMAST 5501

Introduction to the structure and history of the varieties of English used by African-Americans and the relationship between language use and socio-cultural context. Prerequisites: Any Ling course at the 4000-level or above


5551 - Field Methods I

Methodology for determining the phonological system of a previously unknown language through the use of a native informant. Prerequisites: Ling 4100, 4200, 4300, 4350, 5101, 5201, 5301 or 5351


5552 - Field Methods II

Methodology for determining the morphological and syntactic system of a previously unknown language through the use of a native informant. Prerequisites: Ling 5551


5601 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Survey of approaches to the study of language in its social context: sociology of language, ethnography of speaking, discourse analysis, quantitative sociolinguistics. Prerequisites: Two Ling courses 2000 or above


5602 - Introduction to Quantitative Sociolinguistics

Exploration of language in its social context through the methods of quantitative analysis of linguistic variation, including the Labovian and implicational models. Prerequisites: Ling 5601


5603 - Sociolinguistic Field Methods

Research methods for sociolinguistic fieldwork including interviewing, observation, survey design and experimental work. Focus on methodology, planning and implementation. Prerequisites: Ling 5601


5612 - Introduction to Cognitive Science
Cross-listed as PSYCH 5612, PHILOS 5830, CSE 5531

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary study of the nature of human thought; psychological, philosophical, linguistic, and artificial intelligence approaches to knowledge representation. Prerequisites: Instructor permission


5651 - Languages in Contact

Study of the effects of language contact on the structure of the involved languages, and of the characteristics of the individuals and communities involved in language contact. Prerequisites: Two Ling courses 2000 or above


5700 - Training in Informal Science Outreach
Cross-listed as PSYCH 5700 and EDUTL 5700

The purpose of this course is to provide students with hands-on training in informal science education at the COSI museum. All students will learn to provide outreach education at the museum; advanced students will develop outreach materials, assist in the visible research operations, and mentor other students. Prerequisites: Instructor permission


5701 - Psycholinguistics I

An introduction to high-level language processing, word recognition, sentence understanding, and discourse processing. Prerequisites: Ling 3701 or 3701H or instructor permission


5702 - Cognitive Models of Language

Models of human language processing and language parsing and interpretation; probabilistic models, issues in experimentation, and model implementation. Prerequisites: 3701 or 3701H or any Ling course at the 4000 level or above or instructor permission


5703 - Eye Tracking Methods for Psycholinguistics

A hands-on laboratory course focusing on current techniques for monitoring eye movements as a measure of language processing. We will discuss preparation of auditory and screen-based/real world visual stimuli, and methods for aggregating and analyzing eye movement data. Students will have access to Tobii and ASL Mobile eye trackers. Prerequisites: Ling 3701H or 5701


5801 - Computational Linguistics I

Symbolic computation applied to the structure of words and sentences, models of morphology and syntax, parsing algorithms. Prerequisites: Ling 2001, 3802, 3802H, 4200, 4400, or 5050; or any 5000-level Ling course; or any CSE course; or graduate standing; or instructor permission


5802 - Computational Linguistics II

Computational models of semantic interpretation, and the role of pragmatic knowledge in sentence processing; implementation of current grammatical theories. Prerequisites: Ling 5801


5803 - Computational Semantics

Methods for construction semantic representations for fragments of natural language and performing inference with such representations. Prerequisites: Ling 5801


5891 - Proseminar in Cognitive Science
Cross-listed as CSE 5891, ISE 5891, PHILOS 5891, PSYCH 5891

An in-depth examination of the interdisciplinary field of cognitive science; emphasizes fundamental issues of each discipline, provides illustrations of representative research being conducted at OSU. Prerequisites: Instructor permission


5901 - Introduction to Historical Linguistics

Introduction to the methods and principles of historical linguistics. Prerequisites: Ling 4100 or 4300 or 5101 or 5301 or instructor permission


5906 - Topics in Indo-Iranian Linguistics

Possible topics include advanced classical Sanskrit, the history of Sanskrit, Indo-Iranian or Indo-Aryan linguistics, or studies in the ancient Indian grammarians. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 credit hours.


Graduate Coursework

Courses for Graduate Students

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