Evan Jaffe
- Lifeng Jin, Michael White, Evan Jaffe, Laura Zimmerman, Douglas Danforth (2017). Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System, Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA).
- Evan Jaffe, Cory Shain, William Schuler (2018). Coreference and Focus in Reading Times. In Proceedings of Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), co-located with LSA. 1/7/2018. Oral Presentation. https://cmclorg.github.io/files/jaffe_etal.pdf
- Evan Jaffe, Cory Shain, William Schuler (2018). Coreference and Discourse Focus in Broad-Coverage Stimuli. CUNY Sentence Processing. UC Davis. 3/16/2018. Poster presentation.
Lifeng Jin
- Lifeng Jin, Michael White, Evan Jaffe, Laura Zimmerman, Douglas Danforth (2017). Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System, Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
- Lifeng Jin, Finale Doshi-Velez, Timothy Miller, William Schuler, Lane Schwart (2018). Unsupervised Grammar Induction with Depth-bounded PCFG, Transaction for the Association of Computational Linguistics
- Lifeng Jin (2017). Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System, the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications. Presentation.
- Lifeng Jin (2018). Unsupervised Depth-bounded Grammar Induction Model for PCFG with Inside-Sampling, the Ohio Supercomputer Center Statewide Users Group Spring Conference. Presentation.
Gina Ndoci
- Ndoci, R. (2018). Good wishes as leave-takings in Modern Greek. Presented at 7th Midwest Greek Linguistics Workshop. The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
- Ndoci, R. & Dickerson, C. (2018). Greetings and politeness in Albanian. Presented at 2018 Midwest Slavic Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- Ndoci, R. & Dickerson, C. (2018). Albanian greetings as a formulaic politeness strategy and communicative skill. Presented at 21st Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore. Montana State University, Billings, MT.
Cory Shain
- Shain, C.; van Schijndel , M.; and Schuler, W. (2018). Deep syntactic annotations for broad-coverage psycholinguistic modeling. In Workshop on Linguistic and Neuro-Cognitive Resources (LREC 2018)
- Jaffe, E.; Shain, C.; and Schuler, W. (2018). Coreference and Focus in Reading Times. In Proceedings of Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), co-located with LSA. 1/7/2018. Oral Presentation.
- Jaffe, E.; Shain, C.; and Schuler, W. (2018). Coreference and Discourse Focus in Broad-Coverage Stimuli. CUNY Sentence Processing. UC Davis. 3/16/2018. Poster presentation.
- Shain, C.; and Schuler, W. (2018). Modeling psycholinguistic effect timecourses with deconvolutional time series regression. CUNY Sentence Processing. UC Davis. 3/16/2018. Poster presentation.
- Shain, C.; Futrell, R.; van Schijndel , M.; Gibson, E.; Schuler, W.; and Fedorenko, E. (2018). Evidence of semantic processing difficulty in naturalistic reading. CUNY Sentence Processing. UC Davis. 3/16/2018. Poster presentation.
Yuhong Zhu
- Zhu, Yuhong (2017). Diachronic change and differing readings of Mandarin /ŋ/-coda words in Suzhou dialect of Chinese. 22nd Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference, Columbus, OH. September 29. Presentation.
- Zhu, Yuhong (2018). Diachrony of coda /ŋ/ in Suzhou, Wu Chinese: Generational change and differing readings. The 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Columbus, OH. March 9. Presentation.
- Köhnlein, Björn and Zhu, Yuhong. (2018). Metrical templates trigger stem allomorphy in Uspanteko. Tenth North American Phonology Conference, Montréal, Canada. May 4. Presentation.
- Zhu, Yuhong. (2018). Diachronic change and differing readings of coda /ŋ/ in Suzhou, Wu Chinese. The 26th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Madison, WI. May 5. Presentation.
- Köhnlein, Björn and Zhu, Yuhong. (2018). Stem allomorphy in Uspanteko as an epiphenomenon of metrical affixation. 26th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom. May 26. Presentation.