At the end of March, the department hosted the 9th Annual Buckeye Language Network (BLN) Symposium in-person. The BLN symposium was organized by our own Björn Köhnlein, and the Symposium featured ongoing research projects on both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Invited speakers included Prerna Nadathur and Maike Rocker.
According to Björn, “One of the main goals of the BLN is to foster discussion between members of our community, including the opportunity for graduate students to talk to students and faculty from other departments at OSU that do language-related research. A cornerstone of our activities is the BLN Symposium: this is an annual event that allows our graduate students to present their work (in poster form) to the wider community at OSU. There is also a poster competition, and winning such an event is never a bad thing to put on a CV (plus there is some money involved).
“We just had the first in-person symposium after a four-year hiatus (for the usual reasons). We believe it went well in general, and hope that it will now regain its status as a staple of the community for many years to come.”
This year’s symposium included invited talks on causation (Prena Nadathur), as well as morphosyntactic change in German contact varieties (Maike Rocker).
The Ohio State Department of Linguistics would like to extend sincerest thanks to all the organizers, speakers, and attendees who contributed to the success of this symposium.