Kate Kinnaird graduated in the Spring of 2022 with a BA in Linguistics and a French minor.
Tell us about your job. Where are you working, and what is your job title?
I work at the Massachusetts…
The Linguistics department met on April 25th to honor Julie McGory, our recently retired undergraduate coordinator, and celebrate her efforts to provide new furniture for the Oxley Hall courtyard. We…
Ohio State’s linguistics department has always been known for fascinating and sometimes creative “rare” course offerings long beloved by students, such as Ling 3801 “Codes and Codebreaking”, with its…
At the end of March, the department hosted the 9th Annual Buckeye Language Network (BLN) Symposium in-person. The BLN symposium was organized by our own Björn Köhnlein, and the Symposium featured…
Graduate student Ariana Steele has been awarded a Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellowship for their project in the Abolition and Freedom Dreams theme for the 2023-2024…
Maddie Bloomquist presented “Examining linguistic behavior of a virtual museum guide” at the CCBS Undergraduate Poster Session and at the CCBS HumCog365 outreach event.
Anna Boyer presented “Video…
Marie Bissell
Bissell, M. 2023. “Placing /aw/ retraction in the retreat from the Southern Vowel Shift in Raleigh, North Carolina”. Journal of English Linguistics, 51(1): 66-83.
Bissell, M. 2023…
Kathryn Campbell-KiblerAusten, Martha and Kathryn Campbell-Kibler. 2022. “Real time speaker evaluation: How useful is it and what does it measure?” Language. 98(2), e108-e130. Micha ElsnerMaria…
Funds and Programs that you can support...
Our funds are listed below, in alphabetical order. If a page on the OSU iGive Web site for the fund exists, then the name of the fund is directly linked to…