Graduate student Ariana Steele has been awarded a Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellowship for their project in the Abolition and Freedom Dreams theme for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Professor Hope Dawson received the 2023 Linguistics Faculty Recognition Award in recognition of her contributions to mentoring of teaching, which has a tangible effect on not only the graduate students but all of the undergraduates they teach.
Graduate students Phuong Dang and Tianyi Ni have received the 2023 Ilse Lehiste Memorial Fund Graduate Research Awards.
Assistant Professor Prerna Nadathur’s monograph on Actuality Inferences has been published by Oxford University Press:
Graduate students Emily Napoli and Yu Jin Song have been awarded 2023 Summer Graduate Fellowships from the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences.
Alum Carly Dickerson (PhD '21) has been hired as Associate Director of the Center for Gender Equity at Lehigh University, beginning in July.
Graduate student Clayton Marr has been awarded an academic year 2023-2024 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship to study Turkish.
Graduate student Katie Conner has received the 2023 Office of Student Life Outstanding Graduate/Professional Student Award, which is “among the highest honors conferred to graduate and professional students, recognizing those who have made outstanding contributions in leadership and service outside their academic program.”
Graduate student William Thomas has been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement grant from the NSF for his work on “The Semantics, Pragmatics, and Social Meaning of Additive Expressions.”
Alum Cory Shain (PhD '21) has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Stanford University.
Professor Michael White, with colleagues Jeremy Patterson, Vita Berezina-Blackburn, Maria Palazzi, and Eric Fosler-Lussier, has been awarded funding from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering through the Artificial Intelligence in the Arts, Humanities, and Engineering: Interdisciplinary Collaborations program for a project entitled, “Towards More Natural Conversational Interaction with a COSI Language Pod Guide.” Congratulations, Mike and colleagues!
Graduate students Jory Ross and Rexhina Ndoci won this year's Undergraduate Teaching Award.
Alum Jeff Holliday has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Linguistics at the University of Kansas.
Alum Liz Strand (PhD '00) is Adjunct Professor of Management and Organizations in the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX.
Alum Philip Whitman (PhD '02) created the sound files for interactive IPA charts for OSU's Intercultural English Language Programs which are used both in and out of OSU to teach English pronunciation to L2 learners. He has also composed a version of OSU's land acknowledgment which can be sung to the tune of the Buckeye Battle Cry.
Alum David de Hilster (MA ‘85) co-authored a new computer language, NLP++ that Universities are starting to use and teach around the world.
Congratulations to Yuhong Zhu (advisor: Björn Köhnlein, Tone, Metrical Structure and Intonation in Suzhou Chinese: Data, Theory, Typological Implications) and Daniel Puthawala (advisors: Bob Levine, Shari Speer, Modelling the Role of Sentence Processing Difficulty in English Ellipses with a Type-Logical Parser) who just successfully defended!