Eve Gordon graduated from OSU with a BA in Linguistics and Japanese in 2021. She is continuing her studies as an MA student under the supervision of Dr. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, focusing on the dynamic between the lexical choices that people make when discussing sexual topics and their sexual and religious identities.
Kyler Laycock holds an MA in Linguistic Theory and Typology from the University of Kentucky, where he worked on sociophonetics with Dr. Kevin McGowan. He is now working with Dr. Cynthia Clopper on speech perception.
Tianyi Ni received his MA in Native American Languages and Linguistics from the University of Arizona, where he researched the prosody of the endangered language Siriano, supervised by Wilson de Lima Silva. He is continuing his work on prosody under the supervision of Becca Morley and Björn Köhnlein.
Shinnakrit Tangsiriwattanakul received his MA in Linguistics from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), where he worked on the historical development of Siamese. His Ph.D. research is funded by the Anandamahidol Foundation; he is working with Dr. Brian Joseph on the history of Indo-European.